Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Picture Heavy

Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh how my motivation to blog has been horrendous lately, huh?? LOL I think my major problem is that I have pretty much NOTHING military to blog about! I think that's a good thing, right?? Now it's just the balancing act of writing about those non-military things as well!!

I have loads of pictures today. Piglet turned a year old just a few weeks ago! We didn't have a huge party or go to Disney World or anything like that! We did go to the local Children's Museum though, and then we had cake and ice cream and presents right before bed, it was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures from the day:

In the car at the children's musem

Playin' with the cool toys we don't have at home...

Super excited!!

Daddy's so helpful!

Sister playin' too

King of the Mountain!!

Mommy' sad excuse for a birthday cake ( Hey, at least I made it!)


This ice cream is soooooo good but it hurts soooooooo much!

There are some of the random pictures of the gift unwrapping. Piglet was WAY more into it then Pollyanna was at that age...she just wanted to play with they toys she already had out and was familiar with, but Piglet was into the paper and seeing the new toys!

Alright here are a last few pictures for your viewing pleasure! These are from Skunky's and mine trip to Boston:

These are the kind of pictures u get when you try to take them yourself! Holy my upper lip is missing!!!

That last picture was taken in a famous park in Boston. That statue is in honor of a book called  " Make Way For Ducklings" and it's a book that Skunky grew up reading so we had to go get a picture with the statue! This picture really makes me smile...we look like a couple of goofy kids in that traditional "best friends" pose you always see in pictures....I love it! I think it's going down as one of my favorite pictures of us!

until next time!

1 thoughts:

Undaunted said...

So excited to see a picture heavy post!! :) Everyone looks great and it is fun to see how much the youngest has grown. Glad you getting back into balance and have your hubby home. Love ya